Wednesday 3 April 2013

Back on the horse, and what a steed she is....

So it's been a while since I've blogged. Reasons for this have been mainly weather and knee related. Weather - I think it's been fairly well documented, hasn't been cycling weather. Knee, well that's even more of a saga. I was getting intermittent knee pain right until early 2013, but then I wen to see Ivan (he's not as camp as he looks in his photo) and after just three sessions things picked up enough for me to order The Beast.

I've wanted a new bike for a while, and, being in the fortunate position of being able to afford a 'dream bike' I ordered one of these. It's far too good a bike for me to ride. It's a pro level bike, one that Tom Boonen won Paris Roubaix on last year...BUT...if I'd have bought one at half the cost I would have always wanted this one. So it's important now I use it...and use it I have so far...having done around 90 miles in a couple of weeks or so. I am trying to ramp the training up and with the weather picking up it's been good fun, could do without the headwinds though.

I have recently discovered Strava too, and it is absolutely addictive. For those not in the know you can devise stretches of your ride (or 'segments') and you then 'race' against other people. I have created half a dozen so far and it is really good fun to go against your own time and that of others. So far I think I am around half way or better on most sectors - although my hill climbing is still appalling - must try harder.

Below is a link to my latest Strava ride...loads of stats - love it!

Strava Ride

Weight wise I have lost over a stone since my failed JOGLE attempt and am now around 12 and a half stone. I want to get under 12, to try to get as close as possible to 11 st 10 lbs. Over April I am cutting out booze completely, doing as close as possible to 100 miles a week and have adjusted my diet so my net calorie intake is around 1,200 calories a day. Hopefully this should kick start my metabolism after a few lardy/boozy weeks and I can get down towards my target.

I clearly need to get some hill training in too - and the recent trip to Cornwall helped with this, Strava link is below by the is a pic of The Beast overlooking St Ives Harbour!

Strava Ride

As to when I am looking to finish the ride. The plan at the moment (subject to change) is to do 3 days and get into England at least from 24th May. I am hoping Matt (who did the first two legs with me) will be able to join me on these three days, and Chris and Ryan on the final day. It is, in total 169 miles and should take us to Wigan, with overnight stops in Gretna and Kendal en route.

I'll then be left with the small matter of 372 miles to do. This can (I think) be reasonably done in 6 solid days cycling or 12 (or more) fairly easy days when I can do other have a road trip with wife/kids. Not sure how/when I am going to finish it but I know I will, hopefully later this year. I have got a number of people who are keen to do a leg with me, so once it's all arranged I look forward to getting out there on the bike and having some fun!